Sunday, February 22, 2009

to be angelic.

This Sunday afternoon I was able to spend some time with my new friend Cathryn. She has an amazingly giving spirit. Every weekend Cathryn heads down town and meets the needs of two men that have no homes, Rob and Terry. She brings everything from propane and food to matresses and tents! The pictures above are the men's tents. Today, Cathryn, her dad, and I set up a new tent for Rob and cleaned up around their campground. I was able to visit with Terry for quite sometime. He showed me inside of his home and filled me in on the purpose of everything inside of his tent. One of his favorite hobbies is cooking! With a propane burner, Terry said he makes everything from tea to fetticine alfredo! Both Rob and Terry were very nice and I'm looking forward to getting to know them! They sure do appreciate Cathryn. Terry told me today that he calls Cathryn his angel! I hope my actions are just as angelic someday.

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